We collaborate with communities to make technology platforms for social transformation.


Our Mission

Little Cloud creates platforms for public collaboration and social good. We seek to amplify marginalized voices, support social justice and increase equality in the distribution of technology tools and the skills to use them.


We empower people to utilize technology for local social impact.


We practice cross-discipline human-centered design to create technology platforms that encourage new forms of public collaboration and support social good. We believe that the most effective solutions to problems are characterized by reusable technology and well-researched design. We believe that the combination of  people, technology, and design will lead us toward a more just future.

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Building Capacity

We believe that in the 21st century, those who create technology, and create with technology, have the most power and the loudest voice. In everything we do, we seek to build local capacity in technology skills, critical thinking, and creative process to create a more level playing field and sustained social justice.



of the world use the internet


of the world has a mobile phone


of households have a computer


Collective Effort

We are designers, builders, thinkers, collaborators, and teachers. We boast a wide range of of skills and experience, having worked internationally with firms and organizations such as the International Rescue Committee, frog design, Method, R/GA, UNICEF, the World Bank, the CDC, and the WHO. Little Cloud Collective is based in New York City, but works around the world.


Let's Change The World

We at Little Cloud are always interested in hearing from people with ideas to change the world around them, in big ways or small. The idea could be a revolutionary tool or a plan to work more creatively within your organization - it doesn't matter. We work with NGOs and socially-minded companies, arts and civic organizations, other design firms, and academic institutions, but we are always open to anyone who is interested in having a positive impact through technology and design.

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